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Diabetic Foot Management

Diabetes can lead to decreased sensation and reduced blood supply in your feet, resulting in poor circulation. Therefore, it is important to have a six monthly or annual foot assessment by a podiatrist to help detect any early changes in your feet before they become a problem. The team at St. Ives Podiatry Centre can help by providing diabetic specific assessments.

A diabetes assessment completed by our podiatrists involves a neurological examination which includes testing sensation, vibration and joint position sense. A vascular examination is also completed which includes checking foot pulses. The podiatrist also examines the skin for dryness, lesions or other skin breaks and looks for general foot conditions that could cause problems.

Education is provided by the podiatrist on the effects of diabetes on foot health, identification of foot risk factors and advice on correct footwear.


Foot Care Advice for Diabetics

  • Wash your feet daily in warm water using a mild soap and gently dry thoroughly.

  • Moisturise your feet daily to prevent the skin becoming dry and the heels cracking.

  • Inspect your feet daily for any redness, blisters, ulcers or swelling. Seek advice from a podiatrist or medical practitioner if blisters or injuries are not healing quickly.

  • Ulcers should be treated urgently, within 24 hours, especially if there is redness or swelling around the area.

  • Wear shoes that fit properly and that are appropriate for the activity. Poor fitting shoes can cause corns and calluses, ulcers and nail problems.

  • Have any corns and hard skin on your feet treated as soon as possible.

  • Visit a podiatrist at least once a year, six monthly is preferable.

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